He's never far away from the latest charitable cause.
So it's perhaps unsurprising that Bono found himself the VIP
guest during Saturday night's performance of Broadway's hit show Eclipsed.
The U2 frontman joined the production's main star, Lupita
Nyong'o, as the cast remembered missing schoolgirls abducted in Nigeria.
The veteran rocker, 55, was an audience-member of Danai Gurira's
drama, which is set amidst the Liberian Civil War.
Following the acclaimed show, he joined the stars for the
curtain call at Manhattan's Golden Theatre where they honoured the 219 missing
youngsters who were abducted in Chibok two years ago.
'They were taken from their high school 747 days today,' Bono
said. 'If they were American or Irish girls, we'd get a daily report,' he told
Sadly, there was no mention of the countless boys who've also
been taken hostage by Boko Harem.
Always political! The
veteran rocker, 55, was an audience-member of Danai Gurira's drama, which is
set amidst the Liberian Civil War
Despite this,
Kenyan-Mexican actress Lupita, 33, was equally vocal with the captive audience.
our story, we witness the power,' she declared after receiving applause for her
latest live performance.
dressed in character, the Academy Award-winner wore a pair of skinny jeans with
a turquoise-coloured T-shirt and a headscarf.
'They were taken from their high school 747 days today,' Bono said. 'If they
were American or Irish girls, we'd get a daily report,' he told theatre-goers
Still dressed in
character, the Academy Award-winner wore a pair of skinny jeans with a
turquoise-coloured T-shirt and a headscarf
Bono stepped out in his trademark look, which consisted of a T-shirt with a
denim jacket.
He also sported a pair of rose-coloured glasses and an earring,
which the Irish singer/songwriter is rarely seen without.
the show, he was later seen partying with the director backstage.
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