Two months ago, Kate Henshaw found a little boy, Michael begging for alms with his mother around the bridge descent to Muson center, Onikan, Lagos through an Instagram user named Temeetee.
She was so touched that she pleaded with good
Nigerians to help the poor woman and her suffering baby get a better life. Her pleas yielded good fruits and both mother and
child were taken to Lagos State Teaching Hospital (LUTH).
The star actress recently paid them another visit
and confirmed that the boy is responding to treatments as the doctors are
getting set to operate on him.
She wrote this after the visit.."And we will
say that you are good and all the miracles you've done has brought us joy and
we are changed and all the hope we have we place in you right now...Father we
declare that we love you, we declare our everlasting love for you??
Visited Baby Michael today with his mum, Mary. He
is still healing but healthy and happy.
Despite the conditions which the doctors and
nurses of LUTH operate under, they give 100% as much as they can. No
electricity in the is the case most times.
Still we are grateful for life.
My heartfelt gratitude to all who continue to
give. May God who is the one that gives seed to the sower and bread to the
eater be you source of replenishment!! Amen"
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