The latest version of The Jungle Book by Disney brings back memories for those from the 90’s who grew up watching the series on Doordarshan. Nevertheless, the movie missed out on a few key aspects related to Mowgli. Time constraint might be a reason for these cuts, but we miss them anyway. Here is the list:
1. The Boomerang
Mowgli has no claws or fur, but his primary weapon was a wooden piece which acted like a boomerang and helped him in all times of trouble. The boomerang was tucked safely in his yellow chaddi (underwear) and was used for hunting as well as self defence. But, the Disney version gave it a miss!
2. The Hyena
Who doesn’t remember Tabaqui? The mischievous and sly servant of Shere Khan. Tabaqui was the one who surveyed the jungle and brought all the information to Shere Khan. He was also the one on whom Shere Khan vented out his anger. Another Miss!
3. Akdu and Pakdu
Mowgli’s brothers, and Raksha’s biological kids. Though the movie showed Mowgli's siblings they were too young. Which is slightly intriguing because wolf’s grow faster than humans and they should have been full grown, if they were all raised together by Raksha.
4. Kaa as a friend
Kaa(the snake) and Chil (the eagle) were friends of Mowgli. But in this version Chil does not have a significant role and Mowgli is not shown as making friends with Kaa.
5. Shere Khan’s Green Eyes
Shere Khan had bright green eyes and an athletic figure which instilled fear in everyone, but the new one is more of a fatso and is shown as dark and shrewd villain unlike the traditional one.
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