Whoa! A fan held a sign during Selena’s concert on May 7 in Fresno, Calif., that read ‘Marry Justin Please’ and Sel pointed at the fan and made them walk towards the stage and hand it over to her! What happens next is epic.
This is just shocking! Sel literally called the fan out and made them hand her the sign. We don’t blame her, it must be totally distracting! Some fans managed to recover the sign after the concert and the pic is below. We’re sure the fan just wanted to feel the Jelena love but she was obviously not into it at all. We told you that when Justin was getting his new face tattoo over the weekend, a fan noticed that he was on his phone and it sounds like he’s either leaving Sel a voicemail or actually talking to her. In the voicemail you can hear him say: “I just wanted to talk to you and send you my love… you’re doing great.”
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