This is a specific project for the youths of the Niger Delta Region to further their specific skills for example, Carpenter, welding, Computer engineering, graphic designing, typing, hair dressing, electrical maintenance and others. Shortlisted applicants shall be trained on his /her desired.
This is a specific project for the youths of the Niger Delta Region to further their specific skills for example, Carpenter, welding, Computer engineering, graphic designing, typing, hair dressing, electrical maintenance and others. Shortlisted applicants shall be trained on his /her desired.
Skill is very important in the life of every human being. The reason
why many technicians earns more than some university graduates is
because the technicians acquire more practical skills than the theories,
unlike the graduates who were fed with theoretical experiences while in
the universities.
It can take you to places you do not expect you will
find yourself. Skill acquisition is the ability to be trained on a
particular task or function and become expert in it. It is a pity that
there is “huge” parading of unemployment in many parts of Nigeria today
especially in Niger Delta Region. This is giving many youths in
different parts of the Niger Delta today a sleepless night and it
contributes to the ongoing Crisis in Niger Delta.
It is one of the causes of rapid growth in crime in many
parts of the Nigeria. But do you think there is any relationship between
someone who has acquired skill on how to perform a particular job and
make money from it and unemployment? The answer is no because the skill
he has acquired can always speak for him/her.
Today, there are many unemployed graduates in the country.
This is partly as a result of our long system of education that is more
of grammar and not much practical learning. It is evident that the
highest number of unemployed is found in the African Continent. The
truth remains that the major causes of the unemployment among these
vibrant youths is lack of skill to back up what they learnt from their
institutions of learning. When these graduates were still in school,
they did not border to learn at least one single skill, maybe that which
is related to graphic designing, typing, hair dressing, electrical
maintenance and others. If they have learnt any skill at all, the rate
of unemployment will reduce among them.
Skilled person can survive in any environment.” As water is
very essential to human life, so is skill training and acquisition
needed in the life of every serious minded human being. Skills can do a
lot of great work in the life of every living soul. Lack of
entrepreneurial skills is one of major causes of corruption.
For these reasons, Development Education Centre (DEC Enugu)
during the past 3 decades engaged in the provision of entrepreneurial
Skills acquisition programme which empowered over 3000 out of school
female youths from 500 communities in the South East of Nigeria since
its inception.
We are targeting all aspects of career skills including
§ Computer Literacy
§ Fashion & Designing
§ Cosmetology
§ Catering and Hotel Management
§ Bag/Shoe making
§ Hair Dressing
§ Bead making.
§ Bread Baking
§ Soda Pop
§ Cake and, etc
Equipment’s and free interest loans will be given to the graduating students to enable them take off smoothly.
EMOTEL GLOBAL OIL shall in the same vain introduced
Business Education for these youths, to empower them with the needed
knowledge and understanding on how to do business in a tough economy
like Nigeria.
The importance of Entrepreneurial skill development in our
society today cannot be over emphasized because gone are the days when
jobs were available everywhere both in the private and public sectors of
the economy and employers go about looking for potential graduates for
employment. The question of choice of job or the type of employer the
one would like is now a story after graduation is now thing of the old.
White collar jobs are scarcely available. Hence many graduates are
desperate to get any job to keep body and soul together. Indeed there is
paradigm shift in the labour market.
Therefore, the need to acquire and develop specific
entrepreneurial skills cannot be neglected because entrepreneurship is
vital to creating employment and indeed a special form of employability
for graduates. Empowerment helps individuals or groups to fully access
personal/collective power through knowledge, skills and motivation for
proper functioning in their society and contribution to the economy. The
importance of acquiring entrepreneurial skills includes
· Self-employment: a skill acquired man is a
self-employed man. A self-employed person can never go hungry nor go to
commit nuisance let alone as militant because the skill he acquired
provides food for him/her on a daily basis. But one who lacks skill
acquisition will find it difficult to be self-employed because he/she
has nothing to offer.
· Crime Reduction: Skills acquisition reduces the
crime rate in our society. People begin to think on many dirty
activities they will do to make money when they do not have anything to
call job of their own. But with acquired skill by an individual he/she
works and makes money from his/her acquired skill. This will make
him/her to feel comfortable in life and do not disturb his/her life in
any way. Also the skills acquired by the citizens who were indulging in
crime before can be used to convert those who are still partakers in
such bad practice. They can go after their old bad friends and teach
them the new skills they acquired thereby converting them to good.
A skillful person speaks with confidence while the none
skilful is filled with fear. Entrepreneurial skills builds individual
self esteem, engender growth process and changes that is never ending.
Therefore, friends learned or not, are hereby encouraged to go for
skills acquisition because good and lucrative skills acquired can make
ways where it seems there is no way.
Nigeria Bank of Industry
Niger Delta Oil Producing companies
Niger Delta States Government
Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC)
Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA)
Nigeria Presidential Amnesty Programme
Ministry of Works
Ministry of Petroleum
Federal Republic of Nigeria
United Nation Organization for Human Rights
Interested applicants should log onto
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