In an unexpected turn - even in a show known for its ruthless axing of characters - Daenerys Targaryen, mother of dragons, lost one of her children. Viserion was struck mid-air by the Night King's spear, died and then returned to life - but apparently under the White Walker's control.
"It's a heartbreak," Clarke told Entertainment Weekly.
"Not only losing it but having that being given to the other side."
Most of the penultimate show of the penultimate season is set North of the Wall, with the White Walkers - or is it Jon Snow? - proving to be ice and Daenerys proving to be fire - the original title of the book series being A Song Of Ice And Fire.
It also took a significant turn on one of its most popular fan theories, regarding Daenerys' dream of a dragon with three heads, which could potentially mean three different characters will ride them. Since last week's episode, it is likely that we'll see the Night King riding Viserion, and we can assume Kaleesi will ride her favourite, Drogon. So who will ride Rhaegal? Maybe someone whose knee doesn't seem to bend easily.
For Clarke, Viserion's death means it "is all the more crucial" to defeat the Army of the Dead.
"My dragon could not have died for nothing, so this is now so important," she said.
"For the first time, you're starting to see her defences broken."
"The biggest question this season for Dany is what side of the coin she's on," Clarke added.
"The unequivocal nature in choosing to be this aggressive is something you haven't seen before. She's practiced patience and has this saviour-like quality, but now it's game on."
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