A juror fainted in court after seeing horrific crime scene photos during the murder trial of a woman accused of cutting her childhood friend’s entire uterus out to steal her baby girl.
In November 2015, Sutton, 22, was nearly nine months pregnant and on her way to the courthouse to marry Patrick Bradley when she stopped by the home of her friend, the defendant Wade.
Unknown to Sutton, her girlfriend Wade had other plans when she lured Sutton to the apartment by promising her a gift.
Wade allegedly cut Sutton’s throat, preventing her from screaming before cutting her baby girl from her womb.
Wade had feigned pregnancy in the months prior to the horrific murder and reportedly needed her friend’s baby to perpetuate the lie.
According to Assistant Bronx DA Meredith Holtzman:
‘The defendant attacked Ms. Sutton by stabbing and slashing her repeatedly in the face and neck. The defendant cut Ms. Sutton’s larynx​ ​— her voice box. Ms. Sutton could not scream, could not say a word. She cut her major blood vessels.What the defendant did to her next is almost unspeakable.Because after she had rendered Ms. Sutton unable to scream, unable to move, the defendant took a kitchen paring knife and sliced Ms. Sutton’s abdomen open at the bottom half.Once she had cut Ms. Sutton’s abdomen open, the defendant cut Ms. Sutton’s uterus entirely out. She cut that uterus open, took baby Jenasis out, and discarded that uterus on the bathroom floor.’
Amazingly, Sutton’s daughter, baby Jenasis survived the vicious attack and is now a thriving 22-month-old, pictured below:
Juror number seven, a middle aged woman, passed out cold on Thursday in a Bronx courtroom when medical examiner Declan Mcguone displayed an enlarged photo of Sutton’s discarded uterus and umbilical cord on a large-screen TV just feet away from the jury box.
New York Daily News reports that after a 45-minute recess, Justice Margaret Clancy announced that the woman had recovered, but adjourned the trial until Friday.
Wade’s defense attorney, Amy Attias, says that her client did not ‘intentionally’ kill Sutton and that ‘something could have gone horribly and terribly and tragically wrong within Ms. Wade’s own mind.’
After the horrible murder in 2015, Wade was found by her boyfriend cradling baby Jenasis next to the dead mother’s body.
She also screamed at police ‘It’s my baby!’ as they took her into custody.
NYPD office Jonathan Polanco Ortiz who had arrived to the crime scene in 2015 testified on Monday that it ‘left a mark on his soul.’
Ortiz said that Wade confessed to the grisly murder when she saw police.
When asked how many times she knifed Sutton, Ortiz said Wade responded, ‘As many times as I could.’
Sutton’s husband-to-be and father of her child, Patrick Bradley, has attended the trial and listened to the horrific details in court.
Bradley, who had been dating Sutton for eight years at the time she was killed, posts photos of his daughter on Facebook showing she is happy and even learning how to box.
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