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Kindhearted Man Walks Around Randomly Handing Out $100 Bills

Saturday, 14 October 2017

/ by Charles Matthew

Some pedestrians couldn’t believe their luck as a complete stranger handed them $100.

The generous man's name is Jeff Buell and he lives in upstate New York.

He believes the world definitely needs a little kindness these days, so he's giving away $50,000 of his own money to total strangers on the street, $100 at a time.

“The only thing I want you to do — I just want you to have a good today and I want you to be nice to people as best you can,” he told one pedestrian.

Buell believes that his acts of kindness will inspire the recipients to pay it forward.

A sanitation worker named John was one of them, handing a $10 to a toddler on the street.

Buell is not a billionaire — he's not even a millionaire. He's just a good guy who wants to spread some joy.

“I probably shouldn't be doing this," he told Inside Edition. "Nobody would say that this is a really great idea."

He runs a Facebook page called “Do the Next Good Thing,” where he profiles some of the recipients of his cash and spreads his message of kindness and hope.
From inside edition

*If only rich people would do this in Nigeria..20k randomly at least!

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